On Saturday afternoon I walked up, trundling my wheely-bag, from the Condor ferry to Poole Railway Station.

For pedestrians whose onward travel is by rail, there are no direction signs for the station from the ferry.

To cap it all the ‘motor vehicle amphitheatre’ at the seaward end of Towngate Bridge is hideously confusing for the pedestrian who is a stranger.

I know we pedestrians are an under-class in the highway engineers’ view, but we are out there, trying to save the planet – well, the human species, at any rate.

Do a review, write a report, get a committee approval, buy some signs, put ’em up: “To The Railway Station”, and perhaps some for the other way: “To The Ferry Terminal”.

The foot, the bike and the train are the transport of the future, motor cars are but a momentary hiccup in the spread of history.

The motor vehicle amphitheatre by the station would make a good – well, a good amphitheatre.

Robert Blackburn, Westfields Chapel Lane, Adderbury