WHY is it Hamworthy is screaming out for parking places for workers and local schools? It’s an absolute disgrace.

Go to Hamworthy Park at 8am and sometimes you can’t park.

It is full of work vans and, at school times, pick-up cars for local schools.

I really feel sorry for them, they desperately need somewhere to park.

Yet I live in Tuckers Lane, opposite Hamworthy First School (burnt out) which has been obsolete for five-and-a-half years.

There are still double yellow lines all down that side of the road.

I have requested many times that Poole council remove these to help people park and I have been knocked back. They say it takes nine months of paper work to get them removed.

Come on Poole council, get your act together!

Kids are on half term holidays now. They have no chance of using Hamworthy Park, as there is nowhere to park.

Perhaps if the council dropped more kerbs in Hamworthy, this would help people get their cars off the road.

They have paid for one half of Hamworthy, how about the other half? That would be money well spent, to improve people’s lives and the environment.

JOY MARKS, Tuckers Lane, Hamworthy