FURTHER to Jackie Reals’ letter (Have Your Say, May 14) concerning children needing green spaces to play in, and in particular her findings that the Branksome ward had the smallest amount of open space in Poole, let us all fight to keep Branksome Recreation Ground open.

This is, I know, a much debated issue but what is a recreation ground for? The answer must be for the community to enjoy and the children in particular to play there in safety and have fun.

Go there on any fine weekend and you will see many children’s football matches and this has been the same for many years.

Has the council the right to allow a football club there?

What happens to all the locals who enjoy Branksome recreation ground? Where will they all go?

Also, there are added difficulties such as parking and getting on and off the extremely busy Alder Road to name but two.

Find another site for the football club please.

ANN WILLIAMS, Branksome Way Road, Bournemouth