A MOTHER hen wasn’t at all shell-shocked when the eggs she was hatching cracked open to reveal ducklings.

The “chucklings” were hatched by broody Cornflake, who was given six fertile eggs to nest over by her Bransgore owner Pippa Latimer-Harris, who had thought they were chicken eggs.

The Buff Orpington sat on the eggs for a month before their occupants broke free, revealing they were in fact ducklings, not chicks.

Despite the surprise, Cornflake, who already has two broods of her own, has been quick to adopt and care for her new family.

Pippa, 38, said: “Cornflake hasn’t batted an eyelid – she hasn’t noticed any difference at all.

“She had three of her own eggs but they didn’t hatch so I’m happy she thinks the ducklings are her own chicks.

“They waddle around after her all day long, foraging for food and trying to climb all over her.”

Pippa was given the eggs by a farmer friend and assumed they were chicken eggs as they looked so similar.

“One morning I noticed the eggs were starting to crack so I kept checking on them, and towards the end of the day these fluffy things emerged,” she said.

“I couldn’t believe it when I saw they were ducklings – it was just amazing.”

The ducklings have yet to realise they have been adopted by a totally different species.

Pippa added: “It will be interesting to see whether they grow up still thinking they’re chickens though, or whether they’ll suddenly realise they are ducks.

“We haven’t named them yet, but we’re open to suggestions.”