VODAFONE has withdrawn its application to put up a mast nearly 80 feet high near Station Road in West Moors.

The communications giant said it had made the decision because of district council concerns over nearby trees.

It had wanted to site the 24-metre mast on a field near Station Road.

“Presently Vodafone are considering whether to resubmit an application for planning permission at this site,” a spokesman for the firm said.

Resident Michael Holloway said there was “great relief”.

“I understand there were over 100 letters of objection received by the district council,” he said. “The worry is that it will come back. We are keeping our eyes and ears open to see if Vodafone resubmit an application for this location, or in another area of West Moors.”

Mike Hirsh, head of planning at East Dorset District Council, said Vodafone had withdrawn its application after discussions between its agent and planning officers.

“These discussions centred on the concerns of the council's arboricultural officer regarding the loss of important boundary trees in this sensitive green-belt location,” he said.

"While Vodafone had advised that no trees would be removed, the arboricultural officer had come to a different conclusion.”

The firm had been told that in light of these comments, Mr Hirsh was prepared to recommend that the scheme be refused, a council spokesman said.