DORSET'S fire service has introduced a special smoke alarm for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

The first was fitted in the Dorchester home of Margait Lyons, who is completely deaf, following a safety check.

Home safety co-ordinator for Dorset Fire and Rescue Service Phil Burridge said: "We are delighted to fit this specialist smoke alarm for Margait.

"As a service we aim to improve community safety by risk reduction and this is just one of the ways we achieve this."

The special alarm consists of a normal smoke alarm with a radio transmitter that transmits to a portable receiver that is designed so it can be carried around from room to room.

Mr Burridge said: "In the event of a fire, a light on the receiver will flash and it gives out an extra loud alarm for people that are hard of hearing.

"At night it goes on to a mounting pad next to the bed and plugged into that is a vibrating pad which goes under the pillow."

Ms Lyons was delighted with the service provided by the fire service.

She said: "Where would you be without our local firefighters? They have done a wonderful job and have been very helpful."

Her daughter Linda Miller added: "Unless you know someone who has a disability you tend not to think about how they are affected by smoke alarms.

"Dorset Fire and Rescue Service has been extremely approachable and easy-going and this has now given both my mum and myself peace of mind - you never know when a fire might happen."

For more information on smoke alarms for people who are deaf or hard of hearing contact Phil Burridge on 01202 844657.